Dr. KV Harish Prashanth
The decision to use nevendo ( product of corbel business application pvt ltd) services previously for our 8th IFCoN (2018) & 27th ICFoST (2019) event recently has been a brilliant move for us as organisers. The app was available one month before the event, which helped us to communicate various changes to delegates before and during the event. The most helpful service for us was the abstract management module. Handling numerous abstract papers was very difficult before, but with the services from nevendo it was easy to track, assign and approve the abstract.The approved abstract were displayed in the app promptly. A technical personal from their office was present at the venue throughout the conference which we highly appreciated. I recommend nevendo to all my contacts and desire to work with them in the future.
Hon. Secretary , AFST(I), ICFoST